DIY: Homemade Mayo with Lemon EO

I love to cook.  It’s such an adventure!  Start with a bunch of ingredients, spend a little bit of time mixing them together, and BOOM! A finished product.  More so, I think I just enjoy seeing the fruit of my labor. As a stay at home mom, it’s easy to believe the lie that I do “nothing” all day. You know, dishes, laundry, sweep the floors, make sure my child doesn’t choke on tiny things, or chew on power cords, give baths, read the same board book over and over again.


Go to sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. If I just look at the day to day life, you’d think I was wasting away. It’s hard to see the fruit of my labor when I’m knee deep in the thick of it!

That’s why I love cooking. You start something, you work at it for 10-30 minutes, and it’s complete. There’s something to show for your work!

Ok, that was a total rant. I don’t know where that came from. Apparently I needed to get it off my chest, so thanks for letting me process before your very eyes *wink*

Back to cooking. Did you is that you can COOK with your Young Living essential oils?? Oh yeah. I have much more experimenting to do, but my favorite so far are guacamole with Orange, and homemade mayo with Lemon.

Without further ado, the recipe!


1 whole egg at room temperature

1 egg yolk at room temperature

1 tsp dried mustard or yellow mustard

Handful fresh parsley

1 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp sea salt

3-4 drops YL Lemon essential oil

  1. Add eggs, mustard, sea salt, and parsley to food processor or blender. Blend for 30 seconds.
  2. Sloooowly, and I mean slowly (like painstakingly slow) pour in olive oil while continuing to blend. The slower you pour, the thicker your mayo will be.
  3. Pour everything into a glass, ceramic, or stainless steal container. Otherwise your Lemon EO will eat the container, which no one wants.
  4. Add 3-4 drops of Lemon EO to mayo and stir until well combined. Add more Lemon if you desire.
  5. Mayo will keep for 2 weeks in the fridge.

Enjoy your homemade mayo and know that y have added an insane amount of health benefits to your diet! Trust me, after eating this homemade mayo, you’ll never want store bought again. You’re welcome.
